Tag Archives: create

Learn To Create Awesome Hip Hop And Rap Music Like The Pros

Hey, let me ask you a question. What if I told you that you could start making some awesome beats on your computer not only easily, but quickly…would you believe me? I realize it can be difficult to find info on how to create your own beats online, especially if you’re a newbie. Sometimes you can find information from other websites or hip hop forums but the advice you often find is either too complicated for a beginner or people say you need a full blown studio […]

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Create Your Own Hip Hop Beats The Easy Way, Must See!

If you’re like most people who love rap and hip hop, at some point in your life you’ve thought about creating your own beats! Have you ever wondered, “how difficult could it really be?” when it comes to creating and producing some awesome jams? The answer might shock you! There are at least 2 scenarios: One would be to rent out a professional studio and if you’re brand new, expect a relatively big learning curve getting used to all the instruments; Two would be to find an […]

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